Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jody crossed Rainbow Bridge

Ode to Jody

Wiry haired,a "slinky" walker,and loved being brushed.

He was the last kitten born into the colony,along with his brothers Jamie and Joey. Joey was caught as a tiny kitten,and went to a good home. Jamie dissappeared in August '05,as my grandmother was ill...and I was away. Thought I might be able to get Jamie a home upon returning,hopefully,he found his own ,as he was very friendly.

Jody was skittish,but still I could pet him,and pick him up a bit. But he was a lesser member of the colony. So was relegated to the 'back of the line' ...

He loved to hunt. I suspect he was going to the rabbit field when he was crossing the road. He didn't make it.

He was 4 years old. Average life span of a feral cat..but he was more than average to his family.

Hobbs seems to be out of sorts...Jody was his sleeping buddy...

The colony numbers only 7 now...down from 23 in '03-'04..

Will meet again little guy...someday..